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- From cbfsb!cbnews!att!linac!uwm.edu!caen!uunet!netronix!mycal Fri Sep 25 23:25:16 EDT 1992
- Article: 4 of alt.radio.pirate
- Path: cbfsb!cbnews!att!linac!uwm.edu!caen!uunet!netronix!mycal
- From: mycal@netronix.com (Mycal Johnson)
- Newsgroups: alt.radio.pirate
- Subject: FM-10/BA1404 FAQ
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <717353321snx@netronix.com>
- Date: Thu, 24 Sep 92 16:48:41 GMT
- Organization: Netronix, Inc.
- Lines: 578
- You've seen it before, and now you get to see it again. New updated version!
- mycal
- --------------------- cut ------------------------------------------------
- Ramsey FM-10 Info
- by
- mycal@netronix.com
- 3rd Edition
- -----------
- Here is a rough compilation of information about the Ramsey FM-10, and
- BA1404 Stereo FM broadcasters.
- It is in no way complete, nor do I take any responsibilty for its accuracy.
- I know you haven't seen this statement but a 1000 times but here it is :
- For informational purposes only.
- I have been swamped with requests for information about amps, antennas and
- other mods for the FM-10, so I decided to dig through my mailbox and notes
- and compile this file. I hope It helps, and if anyone has more information
- about the FM-10 or FM transmitters, please send it to mycal@netronix.com
- -or- gallaghe@sonoma.vax.edu. I will try to update this file as new
- information arrives or is found out. A Postscript version with schematics
- and board layouts is also not out of the question.
- I would like to acknowledge the following people for the contibutions
- and support:
- John Brewer -- brewer@anarky.enet.dec.com
- Alan Bryant -- uunet!csn.org!adb
- Greg Thornwall <uunet!wam.umd.edu!thorn>
- If I missed anyone, sorry, please drop me a note and remind me.
- FM-10 Mailing List
- ------------------
- First Things First. There is now a mailing list that deals with the topic
- of the Ramsey FM-10 and other BA1404 based FM Stereo Transmitters. Feel
- free to join up and contribute.
- To send a message to the mailing list, send your question, reply, comment,
- or contribution to :
- fm-10@dg-rtp.dg.com
- To add or delete yourself from the list, send a short message with
- the function (add/delete/change address) along with the revelent e-mail
- address to:
- fm-10-request@dg-rtp.dg.com
- If you have any questions I can be reached at myca@netronix.com.
- Once again I want to thank Ed Savage and the guys at Data General, NC for
- making this list possible.
- Other Places to Look
- --------------------
- alt.radio.pirate is another good forum to find or post information on these
- kits. Although you may not have pirate asperations, many of the things
- talked about can benifit everyone.
- other places to scan, sci.electronics and the amature radio groups.
- Recommended Test Equipment
- --------------------------
- An SWR/Power meter is a giant help, a CB to 2 meter one will suffice.
- Power readings will not be accurate, but can be usefull for peaking.
- The most important part is the SWR meter, this is very important when
- making an antenna.
- Ramsey's Address
- ----------------
- Ramsey Electronics, Inc.
- 793 Canning Parkway
- Victor, New York 14564
- Phone (716) 924-4560
- Fax (716) 924-4555
- Ramsey FM-10 70mw output amplifier
- ----------------------------------
- Provides 9db gain to bring the output power of the Ramsey FM-10 Stereo
- transmitter from 8mw to 70mw. All parts can be found at Radio Shack.
- +12v
- |
- /
- \ R1 *220 ohms(1/2 watt)
- /
- \
- R2 9k | C2
- -/\/\/\/-----------||-----> output
- | /
- | /
- | | /
- C1 | |/ <----------mps2222a (276-2009)
- in --||------|\ -or- 2n4401
- ^ | -> --
- | |
- | gnd
- currently on board
- * you can also use 2 440 ohm 1/4 watt resistors run in parallel
- I built this thing right on the underside of the FM-10 kit, C1 is the
- cap that currently goes to the RCA ant jack, the 9k and the 220 ohm
- resistor have to be bought, note that if you cannot find 220 ohms you
- can make one by using 2 440 ohm resistors in parallel, and that a 10k
- will work in place of the 9k but yealds poorer preformance (-5%).
- Note that you can lower the resistance of the 220 ohm resistor to
- about 200 ohms for more power, but do not do this unless you can
- check to see if the transistor has gone into ocillation.
- The mps2222a is from Radio Shack part number 276-2009, use this part! if
- you substitute it for a 2n2222a you will get only half the gain. Be
- very carefull to get the leads in the correct orentation!
- I have found that a 2n4401 can be used in place of the mps2222a with a
- little better preformance, about 5mw more. I think the 2n4401 can be
- found at Radio Shack too.
- C2 is of the same value of C1, I took the one that goes to the on board
- antenna pad.
- Important! the value for R2 that seems to be optimal is 205 ohms, but it
- is very close to the sat point, If the amp seems noisy (interfears with the
- TV etc) back this value off to 220 ohms. If you lower this value below 200
- ohms the power meter may read higher power but this will not be true, the
- transistor will be spewing all kinds of junk and the power meter will
- mistake this for higher output (in reality the signal we want will drop
- considerably.)
- Well thats it, effective range with a good antenna should be a little
- over double.
- -------
- On Wed, 1 Jul 1992 13:16:47 -0600, "Alan D. Bryant" <adb@csn.org> wrote:
- > The second stage idea didn't appear to do anything here, but I don't have any
- > measuring equipment, so it may have been a small enough improvement that I
- > couldn't detect it.
- >
- Hmm, very interesting, I havn't tested it in the real world, just with
- a HP power meter and spectrum analizer. Also note that using a 2n2222a
- I could only get 30mw, but when using the mps2222a I got 75mw. This
- was all into a 50 ohm load, with a mismatched antenna it could actually
- degrade preformance. I was kind of amazed when I calculated the optimal
- Rl and found it to be 52 ohms for that circut.
- > I've been playing around with antennas a little myself. Made up a weird
- > concoction I'll have to describe to you at some point. No real test results
- > from it yet.
- I would like to hear about the details of what you have come up with when
- you get it all up and running. The $19 RS CB power meter would probibly
- come in handy for doing antenna and power tests, It would be alot better
- than nothing.
- --------
- Also Do you have a good antenna? I think that is the most important
- thing that you can do for extended range. I built a 1/4 wave ground plane using
- a uhf connector and 5 lengths of copper plated brazing rod (found at
- the local welding shop). Works great and only cost $3 dollars to make.
- use the formulas out of your FM-10 manual 234/freq=length of rod.
- insert the 4 ground plane rods in the 4 holes of the UHF connector, stick
- them through about 1/4 inch and solder. Solder the radiator in the top
- of the UHF connector (you may have to grind it a bit to fit.) Then bend
- the ground plane rods to a 45 degree angle to the radiator. There you
- have it a very effective antenna, just connect with a 50 ohm cb cable
- to your amplified ramsey, stick the antenna in a tree or in another high
- place and you should have 1.5 miles of solid coverage (when using the
- above amp).
- Also If you have an SWR meter you can cut the rods a little longer and start
- clipping the ends off a little until you get the best SWR reading.
- |
- | | | = brazing rod
- | | |
- | |
- ----- ----- ----- = uhf connector
- | - | / - \ -
- | | / \
- | | / \
- The final antenna should look like this:
- |
- |
- // \\
- That is 1 radiator pointing strait up and 4 ground plane
- radials.
- Be carful when you bend the brazing rod, don't break the connector. Grab
- the rod right below the connector with a pair of vice-grips (or the likes)
- and bend the brazing rod at that point.
- I have been told that you can shorten the radiator and make the ground
- radials longer to lower your radiaton angle, but I havn't tried this, nor
- do I know what this would do to the antenna impedence.
- On The Road
- -----------
- Old magnet mount CB antennas can make great moble antennas, just take all
- of the base load out of them and cut the radiator to 1/4 wave length.
- If you need a longer radiator than the one that comes with the antenna
- use the above mentioned brazing rod.
- I've tried this antenna and it works great! It rivals my di-pole at home and
- you can drive to a high, optimal location for your broadcasts.
- You could also try a 5/8 wave length antenna, this would give you 2+db gain,
- or almost 2x power gain on transmit.
- Filter design for FM Radio Transmitters.
- ----------------------------------------
- It is very important to have a clean signal, the way 99% of all people
- who get busted for illegal transmitting is that the people that live
- around them complain about interfearance. Do not do this, keep everyone
- happy, including yourself, be clean.
- When you amplify a signal, you get unwanted byproducts these are called
- harmonics. The show up at multiples of your starting frequency. For
- example if you amplify a 50mhz signal you may get echos on 100mhz, 150mhz
- 200mhz, 250mhz... If you walk on your neighbors tv, the local fire depart-
- ment, or anyone else, you are going to get nailed. If you are only on
- the FM Band, you will hardly be noticed.
- ...
- I have looked into the filter design more, I have come up with these two:
- (basically scailed from the charts in the ARRL handbook).
- Filter Design: 7 element Chebyshev
- I run @ 88.1 so my 1st harmonic is 176.2
- This filter seems ideal.
- Fc 3db 20db 40db
- 85.8mhz 95.9mhz 116mhz 148mhz
- .132uh .152uh .132uh
- -----()()()-----()()()-----()()()-----
- | | | |
- <-50ohm - 33pf - 68pf - 68pf - 33pf 50ohm->
- - - - -
- | | | |
- --------------------------------------
- |
- ---
- -
- Filter Design: 5 element Chebyshev
- Not as good as above, but thrown in anyway.
- Fc 3db 20db 40db
- 81.8mhz 105mhz 147mhz 222mhz
- .128uh .128uh
- -----()()()-----()()()-----
- | | |
- <-50ohm - 30pf - 62pf - 30pf 50ohm->
- - - -
- | | |
- ---------------------------
- |
- ---
- -
- The tuff part in the above is winding the coils. 3t of #12 wire 1/2" diam
- should be about .12 uh. 4t is .17 uh. (but ugh, #12 wire is big stuff).
- I may just make all the coils 3t, and bend them around a little while
- watching the analizer. Maybe use var-caps too. Well I will build this
- weekend and try tuesday. I will let you know how it goes.
- mycal
- Very simple filter.
- -------------------
- .15uH
- from fm10 >------()()()------> to antenna
- | |
- - c1 - c2
- - -
- | |
- --- ---
- - -
- 88mhz 102mhz 107mhz
- c1 62pf 54pf 50pf
- c2 62pf 54pf 50pf
- its basically a scaled down verson of the other filters.
- it won't knock the harmonics down as much as the other two designes but
- the good thing about this one is that it uses standard off the shelf
- parts. the inductor is one of those molded jobbies that looks like
- a resistor so you can make this very small.
- use the above cap values depending on which freq range you want to operate
- at. ie. if you run 87-90 use the 88mhz vals, 90-103 use 102mhz vals,
- and above that use 107mhz vals.
- use fixed value parts!
- ....
- I built the 7 element Chebyshev, I substituted .12 uh inducters for
- the .132 and .15 uh for the .152. Also I put 10-50pf var caps in place
- of the 33pf's and 10-90pf varcaps for the 68pf's. After a bit of tweeking
- I got -45db on the 2nd harmonic -55db on the 3rd -65 on the 4th, every thing
- else was off the scale. That is much better than -25db,-27db,-30db,-40db...
- -40db off the fundamental is required by FCC.
- [Actually the fcc says no more than .7mw out on any harmonic when dealing
- with VHF equiptment, thats on top of the -40db requirement. But if you
- are running 1 watt out -40db is .1mw]
- I have found that peeking (buy tuning the var-caps) for maximum power output
- into a 50ohm load will give you close to maximum attenuation on the harmonics.
- Also the Fc can be raised or lowered quite a bit, I tried +-10Mhz (of 88Mhz)
- and could tune the Fc there.
- I am going to stick with the .12uh and .15uh inductors because I can get them
- for $.25 apiece at HSC, But I may try winding my own later on, especially if
- I use it on a high power output device. These molded inductors don't look
- like they can handle much power, but I have run 2 watts through them without
- problem.. On a side note, I don't think the Q of these inductors is that
- high, I think that if you wound the above mentioned #12 coils you would
- have a higher Q, hence, greater preformance on the filter.
- On a second try I built another filter useing variable inductor cans, and
- used fixed caps, this one seemed to have better preformance than the
- last one, it was also much more stable. Var caps are not very stable,
- so I would reccommend using fixed caps.
- [Also of intrest is that the FM-10 puts out about 8-9mw and the 2nd harmonic
- is -25db off. The FM-4 Kit by ramsey puts out 130mw and the 2nd harmonic
- is only -12db off, which means the 2nd harmonic of the FM-4 is about as
- powerfull as the FM-10.]
- FM-10 Myths
- -----------
- 1) The fm-10 puts out 100mw of power. This is not true, or at least not
- true for the Ramsey FM-10's that I have tested. They put out between
- 8 and 15mw when driven with a 12volt supply.
- 2) The fm-10's output can be cranked up by reducing the value of R9. This
- like the above is not true. R9 and R10 are optimized for maximum output
- and greatest harmonic suppression at 12volts. There are much better ways
- of getting more output power than to mess with this output stage.
- FM-10 Improvements -
- --------------------
- (Some from ACE magazine.)
- Stereo Pilot Mod
- ----------------
- One of the first problems experienced with the FM-10 is difficulty
- in getting the stereo pilot to operate correctly. One solution is to
- replace C7 and C8 with a 38khz crystal, this works the best and is
- recommended. If you cannot find a 38khz crystal, you can make your life
- a whole lot easyer with a couple part changes. As indicated on the
- Ramsey schematic, about 110pf is necessary to tune the oscillator. The
- components supplied to achieve this are a small fixed value capacitor (C7)
- abd a slightly larger value trimmer (C8). Since proper setting of the
- trimmer occurs within a very small 'window' (about 5% of the trimmers
- range), it can bet difficult or impossible to adjust the pilot to 19khz
- and have it stay put. This can be cured by increasing the value of c7 to
- 100pf and replacing c8 with a 6-50pf trimmer (Radio Shack #272-1340);
- a 5-30pf trimmer will do the trick. The RS trimer will not fit the holes
- in the pc board; one needs to cut the leads off a spare resistor and
- solder them to the legs of the trimmer (just use bits of wire) to mount
- it on the component side of the board.
- Crystal Mod
- -----------
- old set up new setup
- c8 c1 xtl where c1=10pf and xtl=38khz
- |-||-| |-||-|\|-|
- | c7 | | | v8=var cap
- |-||-| | | c7=cap
- | | | |
- Remove C7 and C8, replace with 38khz crystal and 10pf cap. Note that
- the 10pf cap and the crystal ar running series and the old cap setup
- is running in parallel.
- Treble Boost Mod
- ----------------
- Treble boost (pre-emphasis) improvement. The FM-10 appears to have
- been designed by someone outside the United States since it operates
- at the European audio standard of 50 microseconds. Receivers in the
- US are set up for 75 microsecond de-emphasis. R3 and R6 determine the
- time constant for the pre-emphasis curve. Replacing them with 75K ohm
- resistors (standard value 68K ohm is close enough) will result in
- improved audio response.
- A much better pre-empasis/input circut is shown in the July 1992 issue
- of "Radio Electonics". Not only do they use 75K ohm resisters in there
- pre-empasis, but they filter stray RF signals by inserting a .001 cap
- between pin 1 (of the BA1404) and ground, and pin 18 and ground.
- It has been noted that the above mod may actually cause distortion on
- cheaper stereo receivers, since they were mass produced for the world market,
- they were designed for the European audio standard, which Japan and other
- Asian nations use too. Try it out, let me know what works for you.
- Anti-Drift Mod
- --------------
- The FM-10 can drift a bit, but there is a simple solution that can help
- minimize transmitter instability. The FM-10 was designed to be
- inexpensive and cost-saving measures with components are inevitable. Disc
- ceramic capacitors are less expensive than silver-mica caps, and also much
- less stable. Simply replace c16 with a silver-mica, tantalum or negative
- temerature compensated disc (say anywhere from N150 to N750) cap of the
- same value.
- ============== ==============
- ============== Other Raw Info ==============
- ============== ==============
- the 2sc2570 is supposedly replaceable with an ecg10. Also I have used
- an MRF901 for a replacement, but it yealds 2.5mw less output.
- The MRF239 can be used a a direct replacement for the Ramsey 2 meter PA
- kit. Cost is around $14 bucks.
- From: Greg Thornwall <uunet!wam.umd.edu!thorn>
- Mycal,
- I called the company that produces the BA-1404 chip. The company is the Rohm
- Corp. in TN. They sent me some interesting data on the chip: some electrical
- characteristic curves, list of distributors & representatives, application
- diagram and some similar block diagrams that comes with the FM-10. If you
- want any more info just write or call them up and they will send it free!
- Their address & number is:
- Rohm Corporation
- Rohm Electronics Division
- 3034 Owen DR
- Jackson Business Park
- Antioch, TN 37013
- PH: (615)-641-2020 (ask for someone who deals with the BA-1404)
- FAX: (615)-641-2022
- Also they have:
- PO Box 1399
- Antioch, TN 37011-1399
- --Greg (KD3SU)
- 38Khz Crystals....
- > > Does anybody have any idea where to find 38KHz crystal (H-18).
- >
- > Don't know what a H-18 is, but you can use a C-2 type quartz crystal
- > for 38.000KHz by Epson America, Epson part number C-2 38.000KA-P, which can
- > be ordered, for example from Digi-Key Corporation (1-800-DIGI-KEY), Digi-Key
- > part No. is SE3314
- Thanks Andrew, I've got the DK catalog H-18 is a solder welded case and C-2
- is a cylinder type. I don't know if there is any difference in specs between
- them.
- Aaron B.
- ...
- From: Greg Thornwall <uunet!wam.umd.edu!thorn>
- I have some more stuff on another company that sells "pirate"
- electrical kits. Panaxis productions, PO Box 130, Paradise, CA
- 95967-0130 (916)-534-0417 ($1.00 for a catalog). They have a bunch
- of FM & AM transmitters from 20mW to 10W! They only sell PLANS for
- the high power transmitters here to the US and will sell kits for
- export elsewhere. They have a PLL FM oscillator (500mW) for sale in
- kit form for $129.00 (better stability!).
- From: uunet!toad.horizon.com!kevin (Kevin Criqui)
- Sorry for the delay - been super busy at work. The address I have for
- Panaxis Productions is PO Box 130, Paradise, CA 95967-0130. The phone
- number is (916)534-0417. My catalog has a $1.00 price printed on it,
- but I think they're $2 these days (still a bargain). I'm going to send
- my 2 bucks and get a new copy and see what fun stuff has been added.
- My little station consists of the "MMC1" Macromod Compander set for 2:1
- compression, connected to the "SG" high performance stereo generator
- connected to the "FME" PLL FM exciter. Besides the Panaxis stuff, I
- have a homebuilt mixer console and of course, the 1 transistor PA.
- Prices from my catalog (which is likely to be out of date) are:
- Code Plans PCB P+P full kit
- ---- ----- --- --- --------
- MMC1 12.00 18.00 26.50 87.00
- SG 15.00 13.50 26.50 105.00
- FME 17.50 15.00 24.50 129.50
- While looking for my Panaxis catalog, I ran across a catalog from
- Communication Concepts, Inc. that has kits based on some of the AP
- Notes in the back of the Motorola RF devices data book (another
- must-have). They have a couple of 300 watt (!) kits that cover the
- 10-150MHz range (AR305 and AR313). There's another article (AN1037)
- that's a 300W amp specifically for 88-108MHZ FM broadcast use (but CCI
- didn't have it in their catalog back when I got my copy). CCI is
- at (513)426-8600 or (513)220-9677.
- ...
- From: gdavis@griffin.uvm.edu (Gary Davis)
- Many responded that they want to know more about the Oregon Comm Sys
- line of stereo PLL Fm transmitters.
- Here is their address and phone number:
- 1257 Siskiyou Blvd
- Suite 132
- Ashland,Oregon 97520
- TELE: 503-271-3294
- Models are stereo, 100mw output,PLL frequency syntehsis.
- Some come with audio mixers also.
- All are wired and tested.
- This would appear an ideal unit for driving a linear amp.
- Harmonic output is not specified,however low pass filter designs are
- not difficult.
- They also stock antennas.
- The FM units are rated with an audio response of 10 to 15 kilohertz +/- 2 db.
- Frequency coverage: 88-108 mhz
- RF output 100 milliwatts
- Frequency Stability +/- 100 hertz
- Response (audio) 10 hertz to 15 kilohertz +/- 2db
- Input level: 500mv
- cost: $109.00 Delux stereo models 149.95
- ------------------
- ------------------
- Well I have more info, but it is not organized enough even for this rough
- sheet. Given time I will polish it an post it.
- Once more If you have any info, I stress "ANY", about this subject please
- drop me a byte or two.
- have fun,
- mycal@netronix.com
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ?
- Pirate Radio? Whats that? @ o o @ mycal@netronix.com
- O
- Just Say Know to Drugs.